Friday, January 23, 2009


I know I have said that I will post pictures soon, so here are some pictures:

Christmas at Nana and Papa's House

Lucas, Nana and his 'computow'

Lucas and Grandpa (and some cousins)

How old are you, Lucas?
I'm Three!

Here's Lance being cute.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Winter Hibernation

Well, it's been four days since went outside - it would be longer, but I HAD to get groceries for the extended 'hibernation'. There are several inches of snow on the ground and the temp has yet to reach 0. On the upside, I haven't been able to go out and spend money, but I am about to go crazy. One can only take so much PBS and Baby Einstein. I don't know why, but this is the first week ever that the boys have put forth a combined effort to refuse to take a nap. They know they are wearing on me and this is the first step toward the coup they are planning? I'm sure they've discussed it.
It's ok, though. Next week: heat wave. It should be in the mid 20's all week. :] (that's my fake smile). Well, I guess that's global warming - you know, it gets warmer everywhere except the places where people live.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Here is a video that Ben put together. It is based one of our tracts.

(Some of the words are kind of small, so you might want to increase the magnification of your browser - on the lower right corner where it says 100%)

Thoughts about Witnessing

Yesterday, I was watching this very funny show called "Game Show in My Head" (or something like that - the name didn't leave a big impression), and I was convicted about my own fear of witnessing to people. The idea of the show was that a person wore a little earpiece so he could hear what the host of the show was saying, and he was standing outside on a busy sidewalk. The host would tell him the challenge and if he could complete it in a certain amount of time, he would get $5,000. The challenge always included engaging a complete stranger in conversation and usually included convincing the person to do something for him. One guy had to convince someone to help him break up with his 'girlfriend' on the phone; another had to convince a man to pretend to be a doctor from an ivy league school and take his 'mom' on a blind date. These people would approach people confidently and engage them in conversation - often they were turned down and even insulted by these strangers on the streets. Undaunted, they would continue in their quest for $5,000.
How is this different than what Christians (who really believe what they profess) should be doing? Well, the gospel is more important; it will actually benefit the person to whom we give it; and there is a greater reward waiting to those who obey God's command to preach the gospel. So why shouldn't we be willing to walk down the street, approach someone and say something like, "Hi, I am just out today talking to people about 'Peace' and i was just wondering if i could take a few moments of your time and ask you a few questions? Can you think of someone in your life who has done wrong to you? What would it take for reconciliation to happen between you and that person? What if someone had only ever done good to you and you only did wrong in return?..." So what if they tell you to take a hike? but what if they listen?

Friday, January 9, 2009

My New Role-Model

Has anyone ever watched that PBS show "Caillou". Well, if not, you may not understand what I'm talking about. Caillou's mom is my new "mom role-model". She is always patient with her children - even when they drop their toys in the toilet. She always knows how to solve her childrens' problems - even bad behavior problems. And she never seems stressed out. Her house is always clean, and her kids are always happy. So, putting aside the fact that she is a fictional TV character with fictional children, she is the best mom role model I know. Obviously I need to get out more.
By the way, I'm finally on facebook. It's true what they say: Everyone's doing it.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas With Family

Well, it's almost two weeks after Christmas, so I have caught up on laundry and have almost found a place for all the new stuff. Now i have time to sit and blog. My kids are also occupied with "Nemo" so I have about an hour of 'free time' left.
We went to Nashville to visit my family, and I got to see my little brother and his new wife and my older brother and his family. The boys really enjoyed getting to know their cousins: they ran around the house, played and wrestled the whole time. We also got to see my uncle and aunt and their new baby at my grandma's house. Lots of people, lots of food, lots of fun.
Then we went to Knoxville to see Ben's family (his parents came down from Cincinnati). We got to celebrate Lucas's third birthday, visit with lots of family and eat some more food. (Don't worry, we came armed with Tums). Stay tuned for pictures.
We had a really great time - probably the best Christmas since we were married.
Well, that's all i have. I have to wash dishes now. again.