Saturday, January 16, 2010

So Much Fun...

So I am stealing a moment to post an update on the state of affairs in our house....
The biggest thing here: Lance is potty training!!! We decided to dispense with the pull-ups, etc. and instead just put cotton pants on him - no diaper, no underwear. And I think it's working!! We still have to tell him to go, but as long as we take him every hour or so, he stays dry.
My New Years resolution (among other things): get my RID (registry of interpreters for the deaf) certification. It will take a lot of work and a lot of money, but I will get a big pay raise. Oh yeah, I guess I should explain: since we moved to Tenn., Ben hasn't been able to get a job, which in a way is good because he is busy enough with school, but it is also bad for obvious reasons. So I started freelancing with the place where I worked before Lucas was born. It has definitely helped, but it is not quite enough to pay the bills. Thus begins weeks of reading and studying.
Ben is doing well with his school work. He is also turning into a pretty good stay-at-home dad!
Lucas is starting to learn to read. He knows all his letters and most of the sounds, and he is starting to learn to put the sounds together into words. Discovery: he loves 'Blue's Clues'.
Lacey is sitting, rolling, teething and getting cuter every day. She is also big. Lacey weighs almost 16 lbs now - she's 7 months old. To put that into perspective, Lance and Lucas weighed about 16 lbs when they were a year old. They now weigh 24lbs and 30lbs respectively. It won't be long that I won't have to discipline them for playing too rough with her anymore.
Well, that's all the updating I can do for now. A typical evening has just begun: Lacey wants to eat, the boys just woke up from nap time and it's time to make dinner.