Thursday, October 29, 2009

Kids are So Funny!

I have been meaning to do this for quite some that I have a minute...

Lucas has been talking for quite some time (every now and then he takes a breath), and, as is typical for a child of his age, he has come out with some very funny phrases; and Lance has recently begun talking and has already come up with some things that must be preserved:

Ben and I were trying to have a conversation while eating dinner one night, and, as is common in our house, Lucas was carrying on his own conversation making ours difficult to be heard. Ben stopped and said, "Lucas, I'm trying to talk!". Without missing a beat, Lucas replies (in an equally exasperated tone), "I'm trying to talk, too!"

Lance LOVES trucks, cars, airplanes, ambulances.....basically any motorized vehicle - with or without wheels. Before he could say the names of all these motorized vehicles, he would call everything a 'cuh' - however in the case of airplanes, he would say, "BIIIIIG CUH!"

Lucas and Lance are soooooooo cute now that they are able to communicate with each other on a level that other people can understand. They have some very deep conversations. Often, while we are in the van, they will discuss the various emergency response vehicles. The conversation goes something like this: Lance: "it's a fire-cruck" Lucas: "NO, Wance, it's a amawance", "No, fire-cruck", "No, amawance", "No, fire-cruck" (repeat several times), Lucas: "MOM he says 'no'!!" (as if I am somehow supposed to convice Lance that he is wrong).

Isn't it funny how random, seemingly insignificant events can make a big impression on the minds of small children!?? The boys watched 'Dave and the Giant Pickle' (the VeggieTales version of David and Goliath) and were greatly impressed by the way the Giant Pickle falls when Dave hits him with the stone. Now, they stand on the couch and 'do a pickle': standing facing the length of the couch, they fall keeping their bodies stiff and land, face first, on the couch. Hours of entertainment.

After Lacey was born, Lucas suddenly had the opportunity to be curious about how I fed her (breastfeeding). One day at church, he asked our pastor's wife if she had milk. She answered, "No, only mommy has milk." In typical toddler fashion, he concluded, "Oh, you have juice."