Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Another "Diaper Fun" Post

Well, I have taken my fun new hobby to a new level. Come and see my new creations:

Let me know what you think!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Congratulations, David and Amy!!!

My brother and sister-in-law had their first baby on August 31!! Faith Elizabeth Rose Moore was born at 9:33am weighing 7lb and 11oz and was 22.5 inches long. Congratulations, David and Amy! I am so happy for you and know that you two will be great parents! Have fun loving on your precious baby!

Monday, September 7, 2009

One Month: The Reader's Digest Version

Pretend with me that we are currently in the middle of August....Hey Everybody, we're moving to TN!!!

There are several factors involved in the decision to move, but, mainly, Ben will be attending Crown Seminary to get his Masters of Ministry degree. We went to TN for a long weekend to find a place to live, and we found a house to rent - no lease, no deposit: Praise the Lord! We will be moving on August 21....

We did it! We are Tennesseans again! Now the big job of unpacking, organizing and getting used to this new place. The house wasn't exactly ready for us to move into, but we did anyway (not that we had much of a choice). The bathroom needs some work, one bedroom needs painted and various other little things need to be done. But let me just say: I love this house! 'Why?', you ask. NO STAIRS!!! No more little people (and me) tumbling down the stairs; no more running up and down the stairs because I forgot something (that happened often...too often)....

OK. Back to the present. We have been here for about 3 weeks (wow!) now, and I think we are finally getting our things settled. We are still getting used to the new place and the new pace, but I think we will be ok. The boys bedroom is painted. The bathroom is repaired, but needs new paint (let me just say: red and gold is an ugly color scheme for any room). And most of the minor repairs have been made. The landlord started painting the outside of the house (suprise) so now instead of a dirty yellow, it is becoming a nice shade of blue....

Yesterday was labor, and we had a great time - though Lucas may disagree with that statement. He got sick. Several times. But I think he's getting better. We (along with Andy, Mary and Cathy) went to Nick and Sarah's house and grilled out, played Wii and discovered that we were much older than we thought we were - except me, I'm still 29!
Whew! Now we're all caught up.