Sunday, January 1, 2012

Magic tricks and motherhood

When mommy goes to work...
Today Ben showed the kids a magic trick: he put a quarter in his ear and made it come out the other ear. The kids love that kind of stuff...then Lance tried to repeat the trick with an apple seed. It didn't come out the other ear. Actually, Ben had a hard time getting it out at all.
Some people say that having more than x number of kids is unfair to the kids because you can't give enough of your time or yourself to 'all' your children. However, I am finding that the more kids I have, the more of myself I am able to give to them. Having children gives a parent the unique opportunity to learn selflessness and self sacrifice. Can a person learn this without having having children? Probably. But I can't think of any other way I would rather learn it. I can still see so many areas in my life where I can improve, though. I guess I just need more children. :)