Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Well, things have not been going so well around here the past week or so.
Lacey has been coughing on and off for about 6 weeks - mostly at night. I was thinking it was leftovers from when she was sick, a cold, big deal....but it just. wouldn't. stop. And then it got worse. So I decided it was time to take her to the doctor. We have had a hard time finding a doctor because of our position on a certain controversial topic (and I'll just leave it at that), but after a day of calling around, I finally found one. We take her in (this past Friday) to find out that the 'got worse' thing was RSV (a respiratory virus that causes colds that can be very serious in babies). She also has a double ear infection. The doctor said that the coughing over the past several weeks was probably walking pneumonia. So two antibiotics and a nebulizer later, she is starting to get better. Except yesterday she puked up an entire feeding. Please, please, please don't let it be something else.
Then, Lance got sick. Sunday he started coughing and asking for a tissue every ten minutes. But he hasn't been too bad. Then Lucas started to get sick on Monday....and, boy, has he got it. Runny nose, cough, fever, loss of appetite and just general crankiness.
So...guess what we are doing today and possibly the next few days!??!!!! The boys will be sitting on the couch watching movies and drinking juice, I will be collecting every toy in the house and disinfecting it with the Lysol spray Ben got for just that purpose. ugh.
Pray for us.

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