Friday, May 1, 2009

My New Adventure!

When my parents decided to cloth diaper my younger brother and sister, I decided very quickly that I would NEVER use cloth diapers. I hated changing them, I hated the pins (that I usually stuck myself with), I hated the vinyl pants that were a pain to get on and off, I hated the bleach smell (and other smells associated with the diapers), rinsing them, wringing them out, washing them and (most time consuming) folding the diapers. I would NEVER use cloth diapers as a means to save money - it was worth the cost to avoid the hassle.

...and then I made an interesting discovery: it doesn't have to be that way.

You don't need vinyl pants, pins or bleach, and you don't have to fold them. You can get diapers that have Velcro or snaps, have elastic and are fitted to your baby like disposables and diapers that have a waterproof layer or a waterproof cover with snaps/Velcro to make changing easier. And here's a fun bonus: you can make your own with all these great features for a fraction of the price you would get them at the store or online. And then I learned something about cloth diapers that completely sold me on the idea of trying them: THEY ARE SOOOO CUTE!!!!

So here is my first attempt at a 'pocket diaper' for Lance. It fastens with snaps and it has a waterproof outer layer, a layer of soft fabric that pulls the moisture away from his skin and microfiber towel (tri-folded) in between the two layers (that's the 'pocket' part) that I can take out when it's time to wash the diaper to make washing more thorough and drying quicker.

Now tell me that's not cute!!! I have enough material to make 4 more like it and I only spent about $25 on it. I'll keep you posted on how it goes!!

1 comment:

Shelly said...

We tried using cloth diapers with John Michael. He cried and cried. He hated them. As soon as I put on regular ones, he was fine. lol I am sure if I would have made him wear them he would have been fine but I was young. ;-)