Thursday, March 5, 2009

An Incredible Design

I was watching a video about the development process of a baby in the womb, and the wonderful design that God gave to a woman's reproductive system, and all the amazing functions that HAVE to occur in order for a baby to be conceived, grown and born. One of those many wonderful things is the fact that a pelvic bone is actually divided into three separate parts and is joined by ligaments. If it were all one piece, the baby wouldn't be able to fit through it. Well, during pregnancy, hormones tell those ligaments to loosen up so that during delivery the opening can get bigger. Amazing, huh?!! One drawback: at least in my case, the whole loosening of ligaments is actually quite painful especially when I go up and down the stairs, sweep, vacuum, bend over to change diapers, sleep, etc. I'm not complaining about it, I just think I will have to wait until after the baby is born to fully appreciate this wonderful design. ;-)
BTW: the video is "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made" featuring Dr. David Menton. (available through Answers in Genesis)

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