Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Boy, Girl or Bowling Ball??

With just over 5 weeks to go, I am getting really excited about this baby!!! Lucas has decided that because I am a girl, the baby will also be a girl. I think Lance has a suspicion that he is about to be dethroned as the baby of the family because he has suddenly become a big (actually he's still little), clingy cuddle-bug. Not that I'm complaining - he's cute enough to get away with it. I finally dug out all the 'team green' baby clothes and have the boy clothes standing by in case we need them (and the debit card standing by in case we don't). Here's a picture of my current 'shape' as of this past Sunday (34.5 weeks) - that's where the 'bowling ball' part of the title comes in. Well, off to a doctor's appt. From here on out, they're weekly!!!!!


Shelly said...

What a cute bowling ball! ha ha! I think you look adorable.

Amy Fichtner said...

I am so jelous!! You didn't gain any weight besides your belly!! I can't wait to see what it is!!!

Ben and Theresa Q said...

Would you believe i've gained 30 lbs so far. *blush* But, yes, it is all in my belly. And it hurts!